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[#1] Shaken Not Stirred --- David Benoit    

二十世紀六十年代的電影和音樂世界, 繁華熱鬧, 每套影畫和多不勝數而令人難忘的金曲, 都是經典中的經典!! 戲中的人物或是演繹歌曲的歌手和樂手, 每個精彩演出的片段, 都會令到不同的欣賞者產生不同的感受, 不知道你又會有什麼的感覺呢? 好戲例如有占士邦, 珠光寶氣等等, 在音樂方面, 更有很多, Those Were The Days, Over The Rainbow等歌曲都聽到耳熟能詳!!

David Benoit同樣也是鍾情這個年代的電影和音樂, 給他不少美好的回憶, 十分欣賞這些瑰寶; 有一年, 他就以一個特別的概念, 將這個年頭美麗優雅的一面, 化作動聽的音符呈獻給廣大的聽眾去細味品嚐!!


"Shaken Not Stirred is about my fond recollections of the early'60s. This was a time when Sean Connery was James Bond. When Jacqueline Kennedy set the standard for grace and elegance. When it seemed like everyone lived in Cliff May ranch houses, drove sleek convertibles and listened to Dave Brubeck....."

--- David Benoit


在這張唱片裡的十首音樂, 都散發著華麗典雅的輕音樂色彩, 配合Smooth Jazz的音樂節拍, 清新而浪漫, 很有Soundtrack feel, 刷出新的音樂火花, 非常具創意!! 不如一起看看這十首音樂背後不同的故事和特色之處:

第一首音樂"Wailea", 創作靈感來自以下的一次經歷:

"I was renting a condominium in this beautiful section of Maui when the inspiration for this song came about. I must give credit to my brother Phil and his wife Angie, who reside on the island full time. Our bar-b-ques together were something else."

--- David Benoit

這首音樂風格呈現輕快而具活力的陽光節奏, 在天朗氣清的日子聽著如此的音樂, 精神愉快; 當年這首音樂更成為本唱片的主打歌曲!!

第二首音樂"I Went To Bat For You", 是色士風手Eric Marienthal和David Benoit鋼琴演奏共同泡製的一曲, 色士風的吹奏頗為引人入勝, 感覺有點搖穠槌ight rock味道, 但音樂整體表現出節拍流暢和平均, 動態傳神, 十分不錯!! 很有趣的是, David竟然說Eric玩得很像Paul Desmond, 是否當真? 這個就要留待大家去體驗一下, 兩位樂手有什麼相同和不同之處啦!!

"When Eric Marienthal showed up to this recording date, I said "play like Paul Desmond." This is the result. You will notice that I am playing a simple rhythm pattern throughout slightly reminiscent of "Take Five," only in 4/4 time."

--- David Benoit

第三首音樂"Any Other Time", 請來了著名爵士樂手和歌手David Pack作嘉賓演唱 , 款款情深地唱出優美的歌詞:

You asked me why
But I don't have a clue
I have no words to throw back at you
See what love can do

You say right now that you don't feel a thing
I wonder how is that really what you mean
Are you listening

I don't deserve to hurt this way
You can do damage with words you say, baby

Any other time those words might hurt me
Any other time, ooh whoa
Any other time my mind just walk away

Maybe it's true something's in the air
We talk all night but we get nowhere
Do you even care

I have tried a way I'll go
How can you tell me to just let go

Any other time those words might hurt me
Any other time, ooh whoa
Any other time my mind just walk away
Any other time
Any other time those words might hurt me

I see by the look in your eyes
That you just don't believe we'll make it this time
You're trying to harden your heart
But the real work begins when love comes upon

We could turn back after all these years
We could walk on down along tears

而David Benoit以輕巧的鋼琴指法, 彈奏出有如湖水般清澈的琴音, 像真感人!! 情歌不需要太花巧, 只需簡單而少釭漱葖, 定能取悅伊人的芳心, 此曲就是不錯的例子!!

“This is a reunion of my long-time friend David Pack. When we first met in college, he was playing in a local rock band known as “Ambrosia” and I was playing piano in a top forty band on the Redondo Beach Pier. (The club was later destroyed in a fire.)”

--- David Benoit

第四首音樂"Carmel", 給小弟有一種飛越星河的感受, 又有如從天上散落的優雅音韻!! 這一首音樂的編曲十分特別, 起用數十人的管弦樂隊和爵士樂手作演奏, 短短三分鐘的演出, 音樂顯出閃爍而瑰麗, 散發著無限高貴而典雅的浪漫氣派, 清新流暢, 靚得美不勝收, 一聽再聽!! 人生活著的時光雖然是短暫, 但如果可以好像這一曲一樣, 在有限的生命路程裡, 活得平凡而快樂, 就是人生最大的滿足!! 原來這一曲的創作背後, 是跟影星奇連依士活 (Clint Eastwood)有關的, 不如看看以下的介紹!!

"This is the main title for a feature documentary called Don’t Pave Main Street: Carmel’s Heritage, hosted and narrated by Clint Eastwood. I have fond memories of this area when I was growing up."

--- David Benoit

如果你自覺生活中過得好像太過平平無奇而欠缺新意, 相信會是感到很苦惱的啦!! 所以我們的生活裡, 能夠拼發出更多不同的火花, 自然就會活得更開心和精彩萬分!! 就好像第五首音樂 "Sparks Flew", 琴音彈跳不一的演奏, 好比節拍不一的火花一樣, 為你懊惱的內心, 添上活力醒神的神采, 優美傳神!!

"This tune almost didn’t make it. After several takes and no results I said, "Let’s do something kooky." Tony Morales is heard here playing with his hands and a No.4 pencil, Kim Stone on acoustic bass, and Peter Sprague on guitar playing an infectious Caribbean guitar part. I also joined in striking the open piano strings with a pencil or a pen. I can’t remember which."

--- David Benoit

第六首音樂大碟點題之作"Shaken Not Stirred", 創作靈感是來自對電影James Bond的致敬; 音樂以強勁的敲擊節拍作演奏主力; 鋼琴聲在鼓聲和敲擊聲中飛快地穿梭, 帶出好像占士邦電影中主角瀟灑流暢的動作, 動態十足, 節奏澎湃, 演出相當精彩!!

"This song is my tribute to James Bond during the years that Sean Connery portrayed him. The title refers to the manner in which Mr. Bond preferred his martinis."

--- David Benoit

第七首音樂"Chi Chi’s Eyes", 是David Benoit寫的一首給小孩子們的有趣歌曲; 吹奏Clarinet的那位樂手, 流暢輕快的演奏, 扣人心弦, 很配合同樣是優美動人的鋼琴演奏; 各個提琴的拉奏, 將樂曲的動態和氣氛在演奏中段提昇, 再加上豎琴聲的點綴, 音樂表現得漂亮而精緻, 精彩一流!! 原來關於這首音樂, 有一個很有趣的故事, 不如一起看看介紹!!

"This is a really a children’s song. It’s about a silly dog that runs around the house constantly getting into trouble. This could be considered music for jazz piano and chamber orchestra."

--- David Benoit

第八首音樂"Days Of Old", 是一首寫得很細膩感人歌詞的歌曲, 先一起看看歌詞所寫的內容, 看看你會有否感觸:

Lately I feel pretty lost and blue
Caught up in a fast-fading dream
Talking much too long
'Bout a world gone wrong
And people who aren't what they seem

Somehow I find that it helps me through
To think of how life used to be
When the sky was bright
And the sand was white
And we walked on and on
By a calm summer sea

Back in the days of old
Was I without a care
Suddenly I am standing there
With my hand so small
In the hand I hold
Back in the days of old

Back in the days of old
Was I without a care
Suddenly I am standing there
With my hand so small
In the hand I hold
Back in the days of old

When I'm in darkness, all I can do
Is look for a way to the light
And it starts to shine
In this heart of mine
As I walk by the sea
On and on, with the sky burning bright
And a tiny hand
Is the hand I hold

當你和情人他日到了老年的時候, 回望從前相處的時光, 你又會想起了什麼情景呢? 在這一曲裡, 樂手以口琴吹奏出令人感到溫暖味道的聲音, 帶你回到從前年青時候的黃金歲月, 令你想起昔日和情人:手走過的光陰, 雖然有苦但也有甜的時刻, 但最後都能經過不同的考驗, 順利渡過難關, 一起走到今天!! 鋼琴手和管弦樂隊的演奏, 添上一份的優美的詩意, 有著說不出的情懷; 而歌手Kenny Rankin以充滿感情的歌聲唱出這首歌詞, 更是錦上添花, 令人百聽不厭, 再三細味!!

"I have been a Kenny Rankin fan for many years. After a few concerts together, I called him up and asked if he would come up and sing on my record. My next call was to Lorraine Feather who supplied this wonderful lyric about growing up in South Bay.

--- David Benoit

第九首音樂"Jacqueline", 是一首David Benoit獻給一位著名女演員的歌曲, 大家估下六七十年代有那一位電影演員是和這個名字是一樣的呢? 無錯, 還記得有一套電影名為積奇蓮嗎? 就是她, 積奇蓮甘乃迪 (Jacqueline Kennedy)!! 這位大美人的影片產量雖然不多, 但是她所扮演過的角色, 和她的家族成員一樣, 深入民心!! 這曲是一首純鋼琴演奏, 以純美晶瑩的琴音去映襯這位經典人物, 非常一絕, 音色呈現十分清亮; 點點回憶, 盡在那三分鐘用心的演奏, 相當不錯!!

"This is dedicated to the fond memory of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis."

--- David Benoit

最後一首音樂"Sarah’s Theme", 是來自一套外地電視連續劇Sirens裡的其中一首主題音樂; 這首音樂處理方式都幾特別, 鼓手先以輕鬆的節奏帶起樂曲的序幕, 隨後, Eric Marienthal以一支tenor saxophone演奏出整首樂曲的靈魂, 纏綿的氣氛散發在整首歌曲裡; 在鋼琴的彈奏部份, 帶著懷舊西片裡的醉人情感, 充滿著很濃的night mood味道, 和色士風的演奏不奇而遇地產生微妙的化學作用, 變化出一份難捨難離的情感, 演繹出極佳的水準!! 正如David Benoit所說, 當你在半夜的時候, 播著此曲細聽, 相信你會認同小弟以上的看法, 一首充滿特色情調的音樂!!

"This was the “love theme” to a short-lived ABC Television series called Sirens. It features Eric Marienthal in an unusual setting playing a subdued tenor sax. Play it only after midnight."

--- David Benoit


似是昨天的夢, 總是難以忘記……






Musician List:

David Benoit --- Piano, Conductor and Synthesizer Programming
Steve Bailey --- Bass
David Enos --- Bass and Acoustic Bass
Eric Marienthal --- Alto Saxophone and Tenor Saxophone
Tony Morales --- Drums
David Pack --- Vocal
Joe Pena --- Bass
Simon Phillips --- Drums
Kenny Rankin --- Vocal
Peter Sprague --- Guitar
Kim Stone --- Bass

Produced by David Benoit
Co-produced by Jeffrey Weber
Executive Producers are Dave Grusin and Larry Rosen
Engineered and Mixed by Clark Germain

All songs composed, arranged and conducted by David Benoit Except as indicated.

Artist: David Benoit
Record Name: Shaken Not Stirred
Label: GRP Records
Music Type: Smooth Jazz
Category No.: GRD-9787 (059 787-2)
Release Date: 27, September, 1994

Thanks For Reading My CD Review, Happy Listening!!


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2005-12-22 23:19
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