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[#1] 王的男人, King and the Clown    

韓國史上最賣座電影之一 人氣偶像(李準基)成名作
最佳電影 ˙最佳導演˙最佳編劇˙最佳攝影˙最佳新晉男演員
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King and The Clown (王的男人)

(主演):(大話妹) 李準基 、 甘宇成 、 鄭進永

長生和孔吉原本在市集賣藝為生,常在街頭表演鬧劇諷刺燕山王和藝妓張綠水,遂被官差抓去王宮表演,不能逗得王上發笑就要被處決。命懸一線之際,幸好孔吉急中生智,王上忍俊不禁,並讓二人留在宮中侍候,貌美的孔吉更備受寵愛。 及後每當表演諷刺貪官的劇目,燕山王興之所致就會把不苟言笑的大臣以貪官之名處決,從此殺戮事件接二連三,宮中開始流傳新來的戲子唆使王上殘殺。同時張綠水也因妒成恨設計陷害孔吉,燕山王繼而大開殺界。孔吉無奈招認,情深義重的長生遂替其頂罪…

The story was about two clowns in the Chosun Dynasty, who were arrested for a play that satirizes the king. They got thrown in the palace and were about to get executed, unless they could make the king laugh. Luck was on their side but ironically this had brought them to life-changing experiences, with the tyrannical King Yeonsan and the master of intrigues, rivalry and struggle of power. The story begins light-heartedly and turns into sorrow and pain…

個人訊息 正式會員
2007-03-05 15:47
[#2] 王的男人, King and the Clown    
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-03-05 15:50
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