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[#52] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
人民幣 22 元 ONLY....
#1 去 www.amazon.com 美國 Amazon 網站
#2 單擊 Amazon 下面 的 International Sites: China
#3 自動 forward 去 www.joyo.com 桌越網(An Amazon Comapany)

keyword: 刺激1995

現在所有 Warner 6 區DVD 已經由 CAV Warner 發行。
無需花 1xx 買外國進口的 made in china DVD.

by the way,ATV 已經播過呢部片3次。

個人訊息 正式會員
2005-02-12 00:20
[#51] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
It is a terrific movie one cannot miss. I have seen it so many times and still enjoy watching it each time.
It's too bad the movie did not win any Oscar but with 7 nominations only (correct me if I am wrong). Also can't believe Stephen King wrote such an awesome non-horrific story.
個人訊息 正式會員
2005-02-11 20:31
[#50] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
sorry guys, should be 8000,000 copies 8 millions not 800,000
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-26 20:07
[#49] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
Papillon is the master piece but Shawshank Redemption is more contemporary. Papillon makes you cry but Shawshank makes you feel life can always be better. I like both and both can be rewatched many times.

By the way, the real Papillon Henri Charrie spent some 20 years to write the book Papillon before it was adpated to the movie. It sold more than 800,000 copies in the first 5 years...

個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-26 17:09
[#48] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
cdwow has HK website and you can buy it cheaper than in England's website
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-12 08:54
[#47] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
2區係三碟版,有dts 5.1.
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-08 22:55
[#46] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    

音效:英語DD5.1 / 西班牙語及法語DD2.0
字幕:英文 / 西班牙文 / 葡萄牙文 / 中文(台式) / 泰文 / 韓文 / 印尼文
~導演幕後講評 (中文及韓文字幕)
~戲院預告片 (2分11秒 / 中文及韓文字幕)

字幕:西班牙文 / 葡萄牙文 / 中文(台式) / 泰文 / 韓文
~希望自永恆重生:回顧"月黑高飛" (30分59秒)
~"月黑高飛"正片 (48分13秒)
~查理羅斯訪談SHOW (42分18秒)
~改編喜劇"鯊魚坦克" (24分43秒)
~故事草圖 (8分半鐘)
~收藏品 (1分鐘)

個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-08 01:12
[#45] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-03 20:57
[#44] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
故事內容和各演員均相當精彩! 係我心中十大好片!
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-11-10 01:25
[#43] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    

Re-matsered version of Papillon DVD just released, this is the real master piece.

The Shawshank Rdemeption can't compare to it, don't miss this great movie.

個人訊息 正式會員
2004-10-11 00:44
[#42] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
今個月剛推出三碟裝或十週年紀念版(不同區有不同叫法 ... 亦有不同的掠水手法 ... ^_^)

個人訊息 正式會員
2004-09-18 14:27
[#41] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
That's right, we shouldn't read too many comments before going to watch a movie.

Nothing special but an ordinary movie, with so many arguing points. May be expecting too much !!

ANyway, I noticed the followings when and after I watch the movie ...

1. It too easy to guest the "hammer" was put inside the bible. But the cutting slot inside the bible is too fit to put the hammer. Andy should not have such sharp tools in jail.

2. He was living in the middle room of the jail as shown in the movie, I wonder where Andy dig the hole. He should stay in the room in the corner, so he stay next to the thick wall.

3. Even he can dig such a tunnel in these years, the wall if can be drilled using that hammer would probably too easy to collapse. Also, how he can keep himself so clean in the day time. How he can clean up himself after the digging at night.

4. If the tunnel was passing through some so dirty area (as noticed when he escape), how can he prevent the bad smell inside his room ?

5. Why he can stay in the same jail room for so many year ? As he get trust from the officers, he should probably be moved to some better place.

6. Lastly, how he can put the poster back to the original place after he have escaped from the jail room ?

What can I say ? Best movie in life time ? Forget about it !! Can't compare to the "The Green Mile".

個人訊息 正式會員
2004-09-15 23:43
[#40] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
That's why we shouldn't read too many comments before going to watch a movie. It makes you having too much imagination. Actually the movie is very 'slow' but very good.

Also, I would never give comment such as 'This is the best movie in my life' as your life has not been finished yet.

I wouldn't say 'its the best movie I've seen' as there have been a lot of great movie in the past. People usually remember the most recent thing and give such comment which is just an emotional behaviour.
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-09-07 07:50
[#39] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
A nice movie, that's true !

But may be I am expecting too much -- due to so many good comments in this forum. Anyway, I still enjoy the movie (and the story).

個人訊息 正式會員
2004-09-06 15:51
[#38] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
THE best movie I've ever seen. (Rated top 2 by IMDB users. No. 1 is Godfather). A new 2-disc edition DVD will be released on October. Looking forward to that.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-08-28 19:48
[#37] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
This Movie is 非常有戲味!!

But the Region 3 DVD is 4:3 so that I did not buy it.
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-08-28 01:15
[#36] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
I like the movie and I got the VCD 5-6 years ago, then gave it to a freind as gift. Years after I still want to watch the movie again, so finally I bought another copy last year in A&B, this tuime DVD.

I watched it around 5 times, even I already memorised the detail, but the story still attractive to me. It was definatly a master piece for all time. So many times I share it with movie lovers in USA they still gave very high comment on the movie.

Reply to CSL1010, Tim Robin found out his wife had an affair with the coach, then he got drunk and try to kill them with his gun, But he fell asleep in his car after he gave up this idea and throw away the gun.

Next morning, the police found two dead body in the house and him who was drunk in the car. So Police thought that he killed his wife and the guy.
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-08-27 16:37
[#35] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
I watched this film in France almost 10 years ago, the story is absolutely great, but only French subtitle was available, so I was not fully understood. Can anyone tell me why 主角 get into jail? Kill his wife? Is he guiltless so that he escape?
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-08-10 13:22
[#34] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
the best movie in my life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Green Mile is good too but i prefer shawhank redemption x1000000
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-08-09 00:08
[#33] 月黑高飛, The Shawshank Redemption    
可能因為一直有太多監獄片既關係 , 同D主角唔多吸引 , 令我一直都錯過呢部片 .
居然係十年後 , 冇意中係ATV 國際台睇左第一次 , 有D瘋狂愛上呢部片 .
然後收集番呢部片既資料 , 好靜心慢慢咁再睇左好幾次 . 故事編排有戲劇性,令人回味既對白同讀白,各個演員恰好既表現 , 慢慢代入左呇a既世界 . 當然所有電影都有好多唔合理既劇情 , 但只要唔好睇睇下比D唔合理既劇情叫醒 , 我已經覺得好成 . 其實個結尾係Andy做緊野時候 , 聽到遠處傳來的口琴聲 , 回過頭微笑 , 就更加首尾呼應 !
可以講如果十年前(2x歲)睇左 , 可能感覺冇咁強烈 , 當有番咁上下人生經歷之後 , 就會更加領略到個中茲味 .
Andy 已經逃出坌J困局 , 現實中又有幾多人搵到自己既[聖經]同[槌仔]呢 ? I hope you did it !
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-08-08 09:53
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