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[#1] Misty Moon 林亨柱    
He seems to be quite famous in Korea and had once sung before S Korean President. This CD was released in 2004. Have once seen his debut CD seems to be distributed by Shun Cheong. His style is cross over. Personally I prefer he sung the classicals such as track 6 'Una Furtiva Lagrima' written by G Donizetti and track 7 'Intorno all'idol mio' written by M A Cesti. I never listened to opera before so I couldn't judge whether he is singing good. Anyway, as a change of tone, listening to these 2 pieces seem to be a revelation. I also like track 8 'Misty moon' in Korean which I originally thought that it was an old English song. In fact, it was originally a Japanese song. There is another version of 'Misty moon' which was performed by Kenny G and sung by Lim Hyung Joo. That version could give you another feeling, this version is more classical style.

While his English songs are less exciting such as 'Walking in the air', 'Amazing grace' and 'Moon river'. This is Japanese version published by CBS, as usual good sounding. Looking forward to buy his Korean CD. One last comment, he looks a bit too feminine!

個人訊息 正式會員
2005-07-18 21:55
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