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[#1] Mother --- Susan McKeown, Cathie Ryan and Robin Spielberg    

一年一度向母親表達心意的大日子又來到了, 大家準備好節目跟母親一起慶祝了嗎?

母愛的偉大, 相信不用多說, 她陪伴我們成長的歲月裡, 付出了無盡的心思, 一起跨過無數的難關, 此生難忘她們對子女們的愛護!!

今趟要介紹的一張唱片, 就是以向母親致敬為主題, 以音樂創作去傳達母愛對人的影響的信息, 令到每一位聽眾得到共鳴!! 這張唱片由三位身為音樂人的母親們攜手合作泡製, 分別是歌手兼樂器演奏家Susan McKeown, Cathie Ryan及漂亮鋼琴手Robin Spielberg!!

全碟收錄了共十四首歌曲, 音樂風格是以Celtic及New Age去演繹, 清新動聽, 音色甜美, 有輕快的舞曲節奏, 也有醉人的Piano Solo, 相當不錯!! 而最這張唱片裡最吸引聽眾的地方, 是她們所寫的Liner Notes及歌詞, 道出她們的母親和自己身為人母的感受, 十分值得欣賞, 將昔日與母親生活的點點滴滴一同與聽眾分享!!

"It is into our mothers arms that we are given, and that is where it all begins. We spend our early years watching and learning, picking up the skills little ones need to get through in the world, but it is only later, often musch later, that we can look back and recognize the greater gifts our mothers gave us, the wisdom unconsciously passed from our mothers' mothers, the legacy which makes us who we are.

Unfortunately not all of our experiences with our mothers were good ones. Often, it is when we get to know our mothers again as adults that we able to glean these gifts, be they born in pleasure or in pain. Mother is an album both in celebration and healing, for the mother and the child.

Reflecting on our mother's lives is implicit to our own personal journey, our search for who we truly are. For many motherless children, the mother-child dialogue continues beyond death in keeping alive the memories of our mothers that we carry forever within.

Our journey in making this album is one which we shared, but has meant different things to each of us. Our goal has been to produce a work which is reflective of the wide range of experiences associated with motherhood, with having a mother and being a mother: music which every mother, and anyone who has ever had a mother, will enjoy.

we dedicate this recording to our mothers, May Ryan, Honey Spielberg and to the memory of Jeannie McKeown Ryan."

--- Suan, Cathie and Robin

正如她們的介紹, 幸福不是必然的, 有些小朋友一出世或是年紀輕輕的時候, 母親離開了這個世界或是其他原因, 她們可能沒有真真正正感受過母愛的溫暖, 值得我們去關注, 多付出愛心幫助他/她們, 渡過一個愉快的童年和面對人生的挑戰!!

這張唱片製作真誠用心, 不妨一起來感受一番, 唱片可在本港各大唱片店可找到, 誠意推薦!!



http://www.susanmckeown.com (Susan McKeown)
http://www.robinspielberg.com (Robin Spielberg)
http://www. cathieryan.com (Cathieryan Ryan)


Product Information:

CD Track Listing:

1. Mother Of Mine
2. Rock Me To Sleep, Mother
3. Walk With Me
4. Peata Beag Do Mhathar
5. Ancient Mother
6. Jennie's Song
7. Circle Of Life
8. Grandma's Song
9. Mother's Celebration
10. Real Pretty Mama
11. Seothin Seo-H-O
12. Thanks
13. A Song For Jennie
14. Baby's Lullaby


Artist: Susan McKeown, Cathie Ryan and Robin Spielberg
Record Title: Mother-Songs Celebrating Mothers & Motherhood
Music Type: New Age/Celtic (Instrumental and Vocal)
Label: North Star Music
Category No.: NS0011
Release Date: 18 February, 1999

Thanks For Reading My CD Review and Happy Listening!!

(Happy Mother's Day)


個人訊息 正式會員
2006-05-11 00:36
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