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[#1] Meteora by Linkin Park    
Band from Southern Cal. Refreshing combination of classic rock, metal, hip-hop, rap, and electronic dance loops. If you are looking for something different, this is the album for you. The album clocks just under 37 minutes with all 2, 3 minutes songs. A bit too short for a 100 dollar disc. It is interesting to note that Linkin Park somehow manage to convey their message (frustration and anger) without using any profanity. I particularly like the voice of the lead singer Chester Bennington, a very unique voice ranging from medium-voiced to melodic/high-pitch to frantic screaming. However, you might find his screaming a bit irritating and unnecessary on some songs. My rating are as follows:

Don't Stay (*****)
Somewhere I Belong (*****)
Lying From You (***)
Hit The Floor (****)
Easier To Run (****)
Faint (***)
Figure.09 (***)
Breaking The Habit (*****)
From The Inside (***1/2)
Nobody's Listening (***)
Session (***)
Numb (****)

Great Music To Play While you are pounding the hell out of something......

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-04-09 11:32
[#2] Meteora by Linkin Park    
I have been missing good heavy metal bands for a long time, and Linkin Park has aroused my interest again. Glad to hear a promising band like this is after those like UFO, Scorpion, Black Sabbath and...Iron Maiden.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-05-07 10:12
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