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[#1] 假如愛有天意, The Classic    
導演郭在容今次食住'野蠻女友'條水,愛情小品一部,靚歌,靚主角,靚畫面. 要彈就係跟前作太相似,珠玉在前,結局已意料之內,突破欠奉. 香港8月至上畫,但韓版DVD已有售. 碟一電影跟英文字幕,DTS,聲畫收貨. 碟二製作特輯等bonus,冇字幕,但NG片段,making of等都好詳細,係訪問演員唔明咯~~~!

仲意'野蠻女友'相信都會仲意埋呢套,我就會睇幾次都唔厭啦. 旺角德X地庫有售, 二百有找.

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-26 18:13
[#2] 假如愛有天意, The Classic    
One of the best Korea DVD Movies I've seem in this year. Old story but good director, actress and actor. You will see Son Ye-Jin's different acting ways in between the "Lover's Concerto" and this movie; Gwak Jae-Yong's sense of humor and personal style put in his movie. Even though you would guess the ending before you finish the movie, you will much enjoy the whole story. If you like the Korean's loving story movie style, recommend you to buy this DVD.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-26 20:30
[#3] 假如愛有天意, The Classic    

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-27 02:17
[#4] 假如愛有天意, The Classic    
講多小小啦, 我話跟'蠻女'相似地方在於鏡頭手法,配樂運用,而在某幾個情節又有些少'蠻女'影子,尤其要留意一些微細動作所帶出的意思.

唔好諗住DTS冇乜用,入面有爆炸場面(乜又咁Q..!). 隻主題曲又係好正, 典解我地作唔到o既....

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-27 11:01
[#5] 假如愛有天意, The Classic    
Just finished watching the DVD.

I think it is good. To me, I like it more than Love Concerto.

The picture quality on my Sony 36DZ950 TV is as good as My Sassy Girl

Mine is not the limited wooden box edition and so I don't have the soundtrack. May be I will try to find it later because the music is good.
Eddie Wan
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-06-28 15:09
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