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[#1] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
附送黃凱芹感性相集 + 散文集[離家出走]再續本 + 「易愛難收」的 Music Video

1. 無人島
2. 站在你那邊 #
3. 易愛難收
4. 天職
5. 最後一次心動
6. 生活情趣
7. 希望你快樂 #
8. 五月的聖誕樹 *
9. 胭脂非福
10.乍暖還寒 #
11.更好世界 *

# 曲詞:黃凱芹
* 詞:黃凱芹

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-03 01:38
[#2] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
推介: 無人島, 站在你那邊, 最後一次心動, 胭脂非福, 五月的聖誕樹, 更好世界......

感覺好舒服! 令人一聽再聽.

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-03 15:26
[#3] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-03 19:16
[#4] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-03 19:48
[#5] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-05 01:57
[#6] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
的歌係唔差(相對依家的唔會唱歌既所謂歌星)! 不過同個"好"字比還有一段距離o
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-06 12:07
[#7] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
2003年暫時最好聽的廣東大碟, 不過要做到外國大碟的水平, 還有一段距離的, 希望呢個距離會越來越近.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-07 16:44
[#8] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-07 23:31
[#9] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
其實隻碟錄音都好好, 不過上隻碟 LONG TIME NO SEE 用 DSD 較今隻碟 HDCD 好, AVCD 有小小麻煩, 但今天 Market 很多隻碟都是 AVCD 同一隻諜. 只好我們跟跟潮流, 改改家中 equipment 就一就哪!

大部份歌, 曲風都好西化, 不是市場大路K歌, 如果聽開歐美歌, 就好有 feel. 有很多首歌 Chris 連 chorus 都自己唱, Chris 自己唱返 chorus 好和音.
~好多歌手趕倉促出碟 chorus 比人唱 或 無奶O唱 chorus (唱 chorus 要學過別一種技巧). Chris唱腔比巳前 他自己的碟還要好! 難得用多種唱腔唱不同的歌種. 好有 feel !!!
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-07 23:43
[#10] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
黃凱芹"Wish You Were Here",聽得很舒服的一張大碟

無人島 - 令人的感覺很有忙後度假的感覺! 洗盡一切煩..
站在你那邊 - 表達出對默默支持者的感受..
易受難收 - 較大路K歌, 慘情!
天職 - 輕快有型..
最後一次心動 - 很有懷舊的心情..
生活情趣 - 好寫意!
希望你快樂 - 譜及寫出祝福所愛之意..
五月聖誕樹 - 需要點時間細聽, 記掛舊愛之情..
胭脂非福 - 音樂及快歌上的新嘗試, 歌者表現得好..
乍暖還寒 - 很有曾經滄海的感覺..
更好世界 - 柳重言的曲很美.. 配上有物摯意的詞..

轉載自yesasia.com 推介者:安
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-09 12:00
[#11] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
Hongkonger need to bring back more singers who can really sing, otherwise we will be left behind by taiwan, china, even singaporean and malaysian singers. we need sincere voices. Chris show a good demo.

轉載自: yesasia.com
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-10 02:46
[#12] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
I was not a fan of Chris Wong before having a chance to sit in his concert early this year. It recalls my past memory of the songs in the 80-90’s. And what surprises me was his live performance. I will say without debt that he is one of the best male voices. Delightful return of Chris!

Having his live concert CDs my default software for the past few months, I have been waiting for his new album. It doesn’t disappoint me. The way he used to be and comfy throughout. Recommend track 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10.

個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-10 10:39
[#13] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
One of the bests in many years

It has been so long that I don't even remember..... Chris is back and shows that he has one of the best talent within the HK music industry. In my mind, he is one of rare singers/song writers in Cantonese music. No more regular K-songs styles but instead Chris bring us once his usual, casual, and refreshing music that I remembered that he did so well. His composion integrates with meaningful lyrics that no other pop-stars can match in today HK music society. This is ONE BEST Album of the Year! Welcome Back Chris, we miss you a lot and the HK music society needs talented people like you!

轉載自: yesasia.com
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-10 23:28
[#14] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
我自己覺得全碟無一首歌 Melody 有經典感覺, 不過 Chris 唱打N好好, 把聲保養得好好; 有些成了名的歌手, 為搵錢, 已唱到把聲又拆又沙!!!

我自己覺得全碟詞好過曲. Chris 自己寫的詞好 touching, 大多是 Chris 自己的經曆和故事, 如果有看隨碟附送 散文集, 會多點明白. 唔同時下大部份流行曲不同, 歌詞 跟本同歌手經曆都無關係, 聽眾又那會有感動呢?

我自己覺得: 全碟歌詞 Chris 自己寫幾首歌詞 和 黃偉文~“無人島” 最好.
其實林夕作品一向是不錯的, 但近年寫了很多K歌行貨!! 唉!!!
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-11 14:04
[#15] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
忍唔住再講, 其實隻碟無期望中的好, 製作、曲和錄音有小小失望, 可能期望太高;

其實隻碟唔差, 心想有這麼多年無出碟, 應出隻好似夏韶聲多年無出碟質數. 我覺得隻碟有點兒趕工出碟! 環球唱片公司出碟, 幫 Artist 降Grade!
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-11 14:43
[#16] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
I give 90 marks for this CD. There is certainly room for improvement but as a HK pop CD, it is very good already. Chris only has 3 months to work on the album and he has complained many times about the deadline from UMG. He has to give up a song written by Hins Cheung because of the time constraint. Slightly disappointed that the songs are more cantopop and less R&B than expected. However, I am impressed that all the songs are original and the lyrics are very well written. It takes time to appreciate some of the songs (like 站在你那邊 and 五月的聖誕樹) but I like them more with each listening. Chris’s performance is very good except for 更好世界 and 1st part of 天職.
IMO, Chris comes back for his love for music, but music is his hobby only, not his life. Can’t expect the dedication to music like Danny Summer.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-11 18:04
[#17] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    

如果日常忙碌的生活漸漸令你透不過氣,想好好的舒緩一下緊張的情緒... 如果你已對市面上一般的"K"歌感到沉悶,想轉一轉口味... 如果你想知道在現今千奇百怪的樂壇中,怎樣才算得上是實力派歌手... 如果你喜歡音樂的同時, 又喜愛有詩意的文字... 如果你想知道, 七年前和今天的CHRIS在音樂的創作和演繹上的有何不同... 那麼, 你將會在"Wish You Were Here"中找到你想要的空間和答案! 聽過之後, 你便會發現, 它的而且確是一張不容錯過的專輯!(不買的話, 你會後悔的啊!)

轉載自: Yesasia.com 推介者:可樂
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-11 23:58
[#18] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
Mr. Vincent,

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this board is for posting 'your' opinion instead of 'reposting others' opinion .

If you are a fan of Chris, maybe you want to join the following board.
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-12 00:14
[#19] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    

我不是黃凱芹的Fans, 不過呢張唱片"Wish You Were Here" 真的製作得很好, 值得推介, 其實自己發表和引述別人的發表都冇所謂, 目的都是推介好的音樂, 至於轉載文章的內容, 都很符合我的想法!
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-12 01:42
[#20] 黃凱芹 [Wish You Were Here ] - 精裝限量版    
查實Chris Wong這張專輯是近期比較高水準的唱片,是耍用心,用時間聽的一種.同意Joe33說全碟無一首歌Melody 有經典感覺,但聽真,全碟很多歌都好耐聽如無人島,站在你那邊,生活情趣,希望你快樂 ,更好世界等.如閣下是愛聽K歌的人,那此碟可能不適你了!
個人訊息 正式會員
2003-07-14 00:46
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