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[#1] East of The Full Moon --- Deuter    

世俗的煩憂, 在今天產生的負面影響越來越大, 無休止地擊破人們的心靈健康, 相信每位朋友都有對這種感覺不會陌生, 對嗎? 當我們一有時間騰空出來, 就不停地進行各式各樣的活動去放鬆, 甚至放縱自己, 最終不但不能達到預期的效果, 反而情況好多時會得不償失!!

去旅行, 好多時會被人認為是鬆弛和消除自己平日煩惱的一個最佳活動, 但是, 有無想過, 找一個不熟悉的國度地方, 靜靜坐在青山綠水的大自然環境裡, 讓美妙的大自然聲音沖刷一下自己的內心, 沉思一下自己的問題, 找出答案把它去解決呢?

當然, 如果你的時間不野i的話去遠行, 找個世外桃園去令自己去放鬆一下自己的身心的話, 也可在本地找個合適的地點, 再配合優雅悅耳的純自然的音樂去配合你去靜思一番, 是個很好去調養身心靈健康的一個好方法!! 以下介紹的一張唱片, 是個不錯的心水之選, 如果你有興趣的話, 一起看看以下小弟的介紹!!



Deuter, 一位從事音樂治療的學者和音樂人, 三十多年來創作了無數受歡迎的純自然心靈音樂作品, 他的名字在世界各地都廣泛地為人所認識, 而有些唱片更為一些醫院為病人治療時作為療養之用, 效果相當不錯!!




"East of The Full Moon was composed to reflect the moods of the light - it's silence, it's soft songs - when the human mind has gone to sleep to dream different dreams."

--- Deuter

全碟共九首創作作品, 以天地日夜的變化去描寫出來, 曲風呈現出簡潔的旋律, 優靜貴麗而甜美的音樂, 令人聽後相當舒服!! 當你一開始進入這張唱片的世界後, 有捨不得離開這個音樂世外桃源的心, 繼續靜躺在這個美麗的時空, 享受無憂的時光!! Deuter將山河大地, 日光甚至劃破夜空的銀河的境緻, 一一化成令人賞心悅目而詩意的音樂, 令聽眾的內心得到慰藉, 重新充電, 繼續面對未知的明天!!

"There are places in nature which create, through their own beauty or energy, a feeling of awe and wonder and with this, a silence. There are also moments which can express the same qualities, like the dance of light at dwan and dusk and, of course, night's time. East of The Full Moon was composed to reflect the moods of the night - it's slience, it's soft songs - when the human min has gone to sleep dreams. This music expresses the mood of nightfall, the world loosing it's stark colors, the moon appearing behind the clouds, and trees becoming just shadows against the moonlit sky. The stars expand our awareness to a vast infinity and an immense silence, which is the only music there is. All music is an effort to bring this silence into existence, where the music becomes a reflection of something bigger."

--- Deuter

希望你也一起來聽聽Deuter的音樂, 沖走你心中的煩憂, 回復心靈的平靜, 愉快自在!!



Recording Information:

All music composed, played and produced by C.G. Deuter. Recorded in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Bird recording in "Dawn Shimmer" in Saurenhorn, Switzerland.

Tabla on "Vibrant Dusk" played by Adi Pieper.

Kinara on "Vibrant Dusk" played by Klaus Wiese.


Product Information:

CD Track Listing:

1. Dämmerschein
2. East of the Full Moon
3. Vibrant Dusk
4. Moon-Silvered Clouds
5. Marfa Lights 1
6. Black Velvet Flirt
7. Earth Shadow
8. Marfa Lights 2
9. Dawn Shimmer

Total Time: 65:03

Artist: Deuter
Record Name: East of The Full Moon
Music Type: New Age/Healing Music (Instrumental)
Label: New Earth Records
Source: USA Version, CD Format
Relese Date: 8 November, 2005

Thanks For My CD Review and Happy Listening!!


個人訊息 正式會員
2006-05-07 19:26
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