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[#1] 學友光年世界巡迴演唱會2007, YEAR OF JACKY CHEUNG WORLD TOUR    
趕住農曆年前推出撈返筆, 是但求奇粗製爛造代表作!

4.1聲軌, 中置冇聲, 又冇包圍感 --- 爛!!!!
用行貨S350黎睇, 部AVAMP 第一track search 唔到hdmi signal差d跳到爛 (之後算穩定睇完成隻碟), 1080/50?? PAL?? Production班友玩緊乜春!! 係藍光畫面咯, 對港產碟冇期望, 冇失望 --- 爛!!!!

Concert 本身氣氛一般, 唔係crazy個隻 (原因好多實Q面向觀眾封查攝影機, 幾掃興下), 學友表現亦一般, 選曲好”國際化”, 學友話融合Jazz, Rock, Opera, Pop原素係今次concert. 我就覺得坌J音樂應該更”本地”化, 以前認識既學友仔去左邊???

唔好話人唔支持正版, 呢D 咁幼稚製作質素真係爛 x 10000000…. !!!!

個人訊息 正式會員
2009-01-23 11:37
[#2] 學友光年世界巡迴演唱會2007, YEAR OF JACKY CHEUNG WORLD TOUR    
Don't know why this BD has poor comments. Agreed that its video and audio qualities are not as good as Andy and Choi Kum. But it is totally acceptable, a bit better than Danny Summer's one and much much better than Arron Kwok's 2007 BD.

Jacky's voice is quite good in this concert:)
個人訊息 正式會員
2009-01-26 15:10
Fatal error: Call to a member function format() on a non-object in /www/www.review33.com/software/forum_message.php on line 182