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[#1] 林志炫-熟情歌    
個人訊息 正式會員
2005-05-22 20:48
[#2] 林志炫-熟情歌    
Surprise that someone is listening to him. This CD is good but not as good as his previous CDs. Despite the current CD is no longer recorded in Westlake Studio and mastered by Humberto Gartica, the sound quality is still good. In fact, the songs of his extra CD/VCD is better than the recommended songs.

Hope that one day he could release CDs back to the level of his covered versions of other people's song. Recently, I have listened to the original Jacky Chang's verison of 'Li ren', Terry Lin's version is even better.
個人訊息 正式會員
2005-05-22 22:21
[#3] 林志炫-熟情歌    
His live version of "離人" is the best version I have ever heard. It is really touching...... You can feel what is "生離死別"的無奈.

I strongly recommend this CD
個人訊息 正式會員
2005-12-29 22:55
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