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[#1] Bolton Swings Sinatra --- Michael Bolton    

終於忙完手頭上的繁忙工作, 再有時間為大家分享一下不同類型的音樂, 而今趟要介紹一款新唱片給各位朋友, 是一款Tribute的新唱片, 由著名靚聲歌王Michael Bolton演繹Frank Sinatra名曲的專輯; 相信聽開流行曲的朋友都相當欣賞他感性悅耳的歌聲, 但這一次, 他以全新手法去編排演唱該十二首經典金曲, 感受耳目一新, 亦為聽眾除了可以有美樂欣賞之餘, 也重認識他在音樂事業上的一個昇華!!

不如先看看Michael Bolton對這張唱片的介紹:

"This recoring is dedicated to Frank Sinatra with immense respect and gratitude. It has been said that men dream of being kings while kings dream of immortality. There are few artists in history who have possessed the power to leave such an indelible imprint on all the world the world. Sinatra is one of the very few singers with such a dynamic vocal and personal range that he could sing with complete authority, strength and conviction one moment and in another stir us our core with a tenderness and a sense of vulnerability that would deliver the pure emotion and meaning the composer intended. I believe his enormous respect for the composers and arrangers he so often praised in his public appearances in central to his enduring sucess. Sinatra knew the single the most important thing for a singer is a great song. And to our great fortune he chose a wealth of exquisite songs to share with us. Frank Sinatra was, and alwayswill be, a musical Giant who's amazing voice, passion to sing, unique "bigger than life" personality and his pure love for music combined, has achieved immorality."

--- Michael Bolton

在唱片裡, Michael Bolton以爵士樂的形式去演繹大碟裡的作品, 而音樂班底方面也邀請到不少著名的爵士樂手擔綱演出; 音樂彈奏充滿了不少昔日大樂隊的情懷, 而其中一些帶了不少Smooth Jazz的音韻, 感覺清爽動人, 相當優美; 音色清晰細緻, 歌聲和音樂呈現豐富的醉人情感, 散發不少成熟的情懷, 可以說是近年一張製作得認真而有誠意的高份量級唱片!!


第一首作品"You Go To My Head", 音樂演奏出一份舒懷輕鬆的情感, 小提琴緩緩的拉奏, 再配合醉人的色士風吹奏, 而令人愛不釋手; Michael Bolton以一副感性歌聲唱出動人神韻, 相當出色!! 最後幾聲的美妙豎琴拉奏, 為此曲譜上美麗終結, 一流!!

第二首作品"Fly Me To The Moon", 音樂方面以一個輕巧的節奏去演繹, 有一份讓人重回昔日以大樂隊演奏的時光; 鋼琴和Trumpet Solo部份最為出色, 奏出精彩美麗的情懷!! 而Michael Bolton的歌聲亦配合得相流暢出色, 演唱得收放自如, 水準之作!!

第三首作品"For Once In My Life", 全首音樂散發了一份清新美妙的大都會節拍, Michael Bolton以一份帶少鹵E情的歌聲唱出動人情感, 動態十足!! 而樂隊以有力的節拍演奏音樂部份, 相當吸引; 當然也不少得出色的Saxphone Solo, 充滿活力!!

第四首作品"Summer Wind", 音樂部份呈現相當亮麗的色彩, 鋼琴手輕輕的彈奏, 添上一份詩意優雅的情懷; Michael Bolton以輕鬆的歌唱手法唱出歌詞, 同樣出色!!

第五首作品"My Funny Valentine", Piano Solo掀起序幕, 配合歌者柔和清新的歌聲, 感受相當美妙; 而弦樂隊的演出, 相當亮麗真摰, 再加上Trumpet, Harp和Flute聲的附和, 水準更上一層樓!! Michael Bolton的歌聲唱得相當穩定, 高低音唱得相當準繩, 保持一貫出色的水準!!

第六首作品"I've Got you Under My Skin", 音樂部份演奏得輕巧流暢, 多得Trumpet好手的流暢清新演奏, 令人感到賞心悅目!! 這首作品起用了不少銅管類型的樂器去演奏, 聽得令人十分醒神, 不錯!! Michael Bolton的歌聲也帶著一份輕巧的活力, 表現得相當自在, 也是水準不錯的一曲!!

第七首作品"That's Life", 有一份唱得和演奏得很神采飛揚的清新節拍, Michael Bolton的歌聲唱得很有活力, 不錯!!

第八首作品"The Second Time Around", Michael Bolton請來了女歌手Nicollette Sheridan合唱這一曲, 兩者以平和的聲線唱出這首作品, 優美動人!! 而音樂部份方面, 很有Night Jazz的味道, 鋼琴聲充滿一份閒適的舒懷, 弦樂隊奏出很典雅的音韻, 很美麗!! 這首歌十分適合在晚上聆聽細賞, 不妨一試!!

第九首作品"The Girl From Ipanema", 聽慣了女聲的演唱, 不知道由男聲去演唱的水準和特色又如何呢? Michael Bolton的這個版本, 編排得很好, 尤如清風那般清新的結他彈奏, 層次分明; 輕巧的敲擊節拍, 清脆亮麗, 再配合歌者唱得細意輕鬆的情感歌聲, 真是一流極了, 會令聽眾頓時放鬆身心, 享受短短數分鐘的美妙時光, 極高水準之作!!

第十首作品"Night And Day", 旋律帶著鬆容的輕快節奏, 加上Trombones的強勁氣勢吹奏, 添上一份美妙的感覺!! Michael Bolton的歌聲唱得有活力和很流暢, 相當不錯!!

第十一首作品"They Can't Take That Away From Me", 一首輕快醉人的情歌, 再度展現大樂隊的威力, 各式各樣的銅管樂器力度不一的吹奏, 很特別!! Michael Bolton的演唱, 爽朗醒神, 整體表現相當不錯!!

第十二首作品"New York New York", 全碟中最有Oldies音樂的影子, 音樂演奏氣氛熱鬧, 好像帶你回五六十年代光影年代的時空, 感受一流!! Michael Bolton的落力演唱, 表現稱職, 值得一讚!!

想聽一下感性的男人的歌聲, 這張唱片是你不能錯過的一張, 具誠意之作品, 值得欣賞!!

全碟於美國錄製, 現已在港上市!!


Product Information:

CD Tracklisting:

1. You Go To My Head
2. Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)
3. For Once In My Life
4. Summer Wind
5. My Funny Valentine
6. I've Got You Under My Skin
7. That's Life
8. The Second Time Around duet with Nicollette Sheridan
9. The Girl From Ipanema
10. Night and Day
11. They Can't Take That Away From Me
12. New York, New York

Recording Information:

Produced by Alex Christensen and Michael Bolton

Recorded by Al Schmitt and Steve Genewick

Mixed by Al Schmitt

Arranged and conducted by Chris Walden

Protools editing by Steffen Hafelinger

Projector coordinator and contractor Shari Sutcliffe

Recorded at Capitol Studios - Hollywood, CA, Westlake Recording Studio - Hollywood, CA Record Plant Studios - Hollywood, CA & Passion Studio

Mixed at Capitol Studio - Hollywood, CA

Mastered by Ralf Kessler and Alex Christensen at Pinguin Studios - Hamburg, Germany

Artist: Michael Bolton
Record Title: Bolton Swing Sinatra - The Second Time Around
Label: Concord Records
Music Type: Jazz/Easy Listening (Vocal)
Category No.: CCD-30038-2
Source Item: USA Version
Release Date: 23 May, 2006

Thanks For Reading My CD Review and Happy Listening!!


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2006-05-28 01:10
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