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[#1] 天劫, Fateless    
Finished a film called Fateless. Wonderful scored by Ennnio Moriconne and beautifully done. The story is about a Jewish boy who was sent to the concentration camp for execution while he was going to school. And what he had experience inside the camp before the war ended. A different kind of Schindler's List. The film tells the story from the Hungarian Jewish point of view and how they see what they have experienced. A bit slow compare to Schindler's List but done very differently. It shows hlolocaust not in the typical way. Sometimes I found the pace is a bit slow but may be I am watching it in a small screen. I think it will look very different in a cinema. Compare to Flags Of Our Fathers, I think this film is much more meaningful.

個人訊息 正式會員
2007-01-30 00:37
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