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[#1] 清新組合 Camera Obscura - Underachievers Please Try Harder    
I haver never heard of this band till recently. i was attracted by the CD cover and the title (Underachievers Please Try Harder). after trying it, i purchased it right away

if you like fresh voice and song, it is a good choice. if you like Belle and Sebastian, you would also like this CD.

Track Listings
1. Suspended from Class
2. Keep It Clean
3. A Sisters Social Agony
4. Teenager
5. Before You Cry
6. Your Picture
7. Number One Son
8. Let Me Go Home
9. Books Written for Girls
10. Knee Deep at the NPL
11. Lunar Sea
12. I Don't Want to See You
13. Footloose and Fancy Free
14. Teenager (Mpeg Video)

個人訊息 正式會員
2005-05-19 01:18
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