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[#1] CD , HQCD ,SACD , K2HD , LPCD45 , XRCD , AMCD , HD    
而家D舊歌出咁多個版本 , 真想睇到眼都花 , 最慘又唔知邊個版本好 , 價錢又有差距

如果只係RIP碟用黎CAS聽 , 應該買邊個版本呢 ?

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-22 14:35
[#2] CD , HQCD ,SACD , K2HD , LPCD45 , XRCD , AMCD , HD    
cd = HQCD = K2HD = LPCD45 = XRCD = AMCD = HD = 16 44.1khz sampling

sacd = 5.6M sampling
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-22 20:24
[#3] CD , HQCD ,SACD , K2HD , LPCD45 , XRCD , AMCD , HD    
Really disappointed with AMCD despite the "blow water" review by the magazines.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-23 17:39
[#4] CD , HQCD ,SACD , K2HD , LPCD45 , XRCD , AMCD , HD    
Ideally if you have a nice SACD player, it should have better performance then the others - assume there is no production or quality issues with that specific SACD.

In general, it would not do any wrong to go for first release of the original CD. If the first press is bad, there is slim chance of getting better with other CD formatting (basically different way to equalize and manipulate the original copy)

In practice, i would recommend to experience by yourself as it has high dependency on the playback system. Personally i have slight preference for CD/SHM CD/AQCD/XRCD (not XRCD2 or XRCD24). SACD are good but the software supply is quite limited

最後修改時間: 2011-09-25 17:53:18
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-25 17:52
[#5] CD , HQCD ,SACD , K2HD , LPCD45 , XRCD , AMCD , HD    

that's why the original AAD cd people who has high end CDP still look for it.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-26 01:18
[#6] CD , HQCD ,SACD , K2HD , LPCD45 , XRCD , AMCD , HD    
其实在33里已有很多师兄发表过类似的意见了。所谓什么CD什么CD实际上仍是RedbookCD = 16/44。在数据上绝对无优越。而且大部分这些什么CD都是把旧录音从新用什么CD发行而新的录音却用普通CD发行就不难猜想只是用“新“的什么CD来把旧录音再赚我们的钱而已。


個人訊息 正式會員
2011-09-27 14:18
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