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[#1] 組.Band歲月    
今次同大家推介這碟的原因是我覺得這個版本是最有黑膠味及最有氣芬的一個版本,而內容亦相當豐富,有Beyond,Blue Jeans,citybeat,Chyna,Fundamental,太極,達明一派,浮世繪,夢劇院,小島,草蜢,威鎮樂隊.而亦是2cd,31首歌,$85好底,小弟初時入貨是以回味及懷舊的心態售入,原因是覺得碟內歌曲,大部分我都有黑膠,所以亦抱著聽一聽的心態入碟開機,音樂響起,即是口講出,嘩,好有黑膠味及質感,而每首歌的電平亦相當好,聽起來的感覺是聽緊黑膠single咁,又無Lp的得得聲.所以我今次誠意推介這碟。這碟是DSD制作。
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-06-27 12:11
[#2] 組.Band歲月    
I buy it yesterday at HK$85 in Mongkok.
All the song are what I like & we grow together. Good to have one for memory.
However, the DSD remastering is not so good, some songs I have LP & original LP sound is much better than the CD even after DSD remastering.
My CD is 15th press edition, so sound quality is so so...

If you never have their old LPs, it is already the best collection.
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-06-30 23:17
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