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[#1] 第一元素 vol.1-3    
I've bought quite a lot "妙音唱片"出品 CDs and these series I highly recommend to u guys, especially vol.2 (二胡+吟唱) & vol.3 (古琴+吟唱)--- actually there are many Chinese musical tools for background music. Good recording/sound field and relaxing. Excellent and best buy for all.

Any big brothers bought anyone of these and share with us your comments here.

Happy listening!

P.S. The copies said: "母帶后期德國精制" & "32bit數碼訊號處理"

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-03-07 19:13
[#2] 第一元素 vol.1-3    
...推一把 with photo vol.1-3....

聽聽0下vol.1 重正!!!!
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-03-14 01:12
[#3] 第一元素 vol.1-3    
剛買 vol.3
第一首序言喜歡,其他都很好, 不妨到以下 website 試聽
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-05-21 22:51
按照傳送日期顯示:由舊至新由舊至新  由新至舊由新至舊
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