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[#1] 末路梟雄, Speer & Hitler    
Bought Speer & Hitler boxset today. Have not finished but is a must watch for World War II fans. The story is about how Hitler and his dear friend Albert Speer. Why and how the Jewish were killed. And how Speer make his side of the story and at the end able to walk out as a free man. Very detailed historical background on what has happened and some really scary footages on the genocide. Interesting facts including 25 million Russians were killed. But most people only knew about the 6 million Jews. The picture quality is superb. No complaints. A well worth collection on World War II. But is a drama and not a Saving Private Ryan. Yet definitely better than the expensive boring Flags Of Out Father. Salute.
web site : http://http://www.viipillars.com/index_home_e.asp

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2007-06-18 00:25
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