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[#1] want to hear CD production Co to explain this    
I bought a 陳潔儀 K2HD mastering CD (serial No. 0639) few months ago and ripped the CD for my iphone tonight.
To my surprise, the itunes showing this album label is LPCD 45: 陳潔儀
I immediately searched the CD cover and the inside booklet and shows no label or sign on the LPCD technology.
It seems the source is just from a LPCD and then remaster again (I hope). I expected the source should be from master tape instead.
Is the prodcution company has the legal right to take the LPCD patent source to do the remastering? What is the benefit of taking LPCD source and do another remastering?
Does anyone who has the LPCD version too and can tell the improvement?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-30 23:22
[#2] want to hear CD production Co to explain this    
以小弟經驗, 網上讀取返黎既CD資訊, 好多都係由擁有CD既人鍵入以軟件submit上載. 只能大概確認係同一隻專輯, 但版本準確性比較低. 除此之外, 仲可能因為編碼不符(如GB, Big5, Unicode) 而出亂碼一堆.
以香港出版既CD來講, CD內似乎並未載有任何專輯/歌名等等軟體數據, 所以唱片公司完全無責任確定買家從第三方資料庫得來既數據係正確反映所買的CD.

最後修改時間: 2011-08-31 01:11:12
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-31 01:10
[#3] want to hear CD production Co to explain this    
They just buy the CD master from the record company, so that 1 company can make it into LPCD, and the other can make it into K2HD. Nothing wrong la.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-31 13:42
[#4] want to hear CD production Co to explain this    
Nothing is limited by imaginations.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-08-31 14:28
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