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[#1] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
華納唱片 wea AMCD 的無冧把版本現已上市!
並非鈔價! 但聽聞音色唔夠冧把版靚 ! 但差别好小!
而且每款只翻印一千 售完即止! 同埋華纳呢堆
AMCD貨尾賣完就算 好似話兩間公司关系决裂
所以以後只出LPCD! 不出AMCD! 真可惜! 又小左
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-12 15:00
[#2] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
Hi Chings, can anyone tell me the price in MongKok ?
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-15 11:16
[#3] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
AMCD無編號版本旺角價一般平均價格由HK$14X 到 HK$16X 不等已保證包括四款陳百强AMCD !
特別推薦 AMCD:
葉倩文 祝福經典十三首 首首經典 超靚聲 正過大碟SONY頭版
王傑 故事的角色 反轉相位後變返正相 正過韓國SKC銀圈頭版
林孑祥 林子祥85 正過曰本SONY 頭版
林憶蓮 回憶總是温柔的 正過大碟的日本盤
陳百强 當我想起你 正過法國MPO頭版
陳百强 突破精選 正過陳百强精選曰本SONY頭版 聽多好多細節

最後修改時間: 2012-01-16 16:42:46
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-16 16:38
[#4] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
林憶蓮 回憶總是温柔的,是有日本版CD??
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-16 22:39
[#5] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
...正過SONY頭版...ANY SUPPORTING....????

最後修改時間: 2012-01-16 23:57:19
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-16 23:56
[#6] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-17 00:00
[#7] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
陳百强 突破精選 正過陳百强精選曰本SONY頭版 聽多好多細節


o下??? 你咁比都得?
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-17 00:05
[#8] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
letter box C-Hing, what meaning by 王傑 故事的角色 反轉相位後變返正相 正過韓國SKC銀圈頭版?
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-17 00:12
[#9] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
我想知林憶蓮 回憶總是溫柔的,當年係咪真係有出日本版CD
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-17 00:13
[#10] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
>> 陳百强 當我想起你 正過法國MPO頭版

我覺得法國版正啲,隻 AMCD 冇no.版人聲有拆聲現象(明日又如何)... 8(


最後修改時間: 2012-01-17 01:11:53
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-17 01:07
[#11] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
VB兄 請問你隻MPO法版透明内圈是怎樣的?

alexpoon兄 我指係林憶蓮呢隻精選内的歌

ayac兄 1989年華納唱片的中文碟多数反相
王傑 故事的角色便是反相 而AMCD將此
大碟還完正相 所以聽得舒服好多!

最後修改時間: 2012-01-17 10:30:07
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-17 10:18
[#12] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
>> 請問你隻MPO法版透明内圈是怎樣的? 有沒有刻字?

透明位置沒有刻字,只在內圏邊印有"W 253050-2 MPO 02" 字樣。
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-18 02:16
[#13] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    

1987年才有DAT, 當年MPO版當我想起你, 係咪1987年才出CD?

>>陳百强突破精選AMCD正過陳百强精選曰本SONY頭版 聽多好多細節

不足為奇. 倘若compressed normalization後動態大減, 令本來細聲聽得唔清楚既地方都放大聲了, 代價就係音場徹底改變, 至於好唔好聽就睇個人對音樂既要求.

>>王傑 故事的角色便是反相 而AMCD將此大碟還完正相 所以聽得舒服好多!

如覺得相位影響大既師兄, 不妨考慮買有正反相選擇掣既DAC. 咁樣所有反相錄音既舊版碟, 都可以以正確相位來聽, 唔使受軟件掣肘更好.

最後修改時間: 2012-01-19 19:29:21
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-19 19:17
[#14] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
當我想起你應該係 1986 年出的。
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-19 21:58
[#15] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    

1987年才有DAT, 當我想起你AMCD個Master唔係Reel帶, 係咪1987年才出CD?

I)Professional DAT not equal to Consumer DAT

II) Professional type DAT already use in Early 1980's not 1987!!!

III)當我想起你== AMCD == 個 Master 唔係Reel帶

I only tell you the truth Master of AMCD only ! I have not mention France MPO 當我想起你 CD 個Master係 which source!


Starting in the early 1980s, professional systems using a PCM adaptor were also common as mastering formats. These systems digitized an analog audio signal and then encoded the resulting digital stream into an analog video signal so that a conventional VCR could be used as a storage medium.
One of the most significant examples of a PCM adaptor-based system was the Sony PCM-1600 digital audio mastering system, introduced in 1978. The PCM-1600 used a U-Matic-format VCR for its transport, connected to external digital audio processing hardware. It (and its later versions such as the PCM-1610 and 1630) was widely used for the production and mastering of some of the first Digital Audio CDs in the early 1980s. Once CD's were commercially introduced in 1983, tapes recorded on the PCM-1600 were sent to the CD pressing plants to be used to make the glass master disc for CD replication.


(Early Version Digital Tape(U-Matic-format Tape)
they were deem as a Larger type Digital Audio Tape too!)

>>陳百强突破精選AMCD正過陳百强精選曰本SONY頭版 聽多好多細節

不足為奇. 倘若compressed normalization後動態大減, 令本來細聲聽得唔清楚既地方都放大聲了, 代價就係音場徹底改變, 至於好唔好聽就睇個人對音樂既要求.

If you say this, why LPCD Mastering Engineer can't do this??? Their sound even more unclear and terrible?
Can you do it, you just say in this simple way??? If simple as you say, you can be an Recording Engineer too!

最後修改時間: 2012-01-20 03:10:11
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-20 02:52
[#16] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
>>王傑 故事的角色便是反相 而AMCD將此大碟還完正相 所以聽得舒服好多!

如覺得相位影響大既師兄, 不妨考慮買有正反相選擇掣既DAC. 咁樣所有反相錄音既舊版碟, 都可以以正確相位來聽, 唔使受軟件掣肘更好.

How much you have to pay for 有正反相選擇掣既DAC ?
$15K to $???K (Discriminate the poor Guy?)

If we only listen it by Discman, DAT, MD or MP3 player, how can we 以正確相位來聽??? All player use
battery or DC will only play the original CD 相位
please don't say you have to do many complicate software to change the phrase before you rip it into computer!
Waste our time, spirit and money!

反相錄音既舊版CD碟 ,In historical view,why Record company Engineer or Manufacturer at that time don't change it into 正確相位 before introduce it in the market for sell!

If you oppose AMCD, just ignore it or not buy it! please don't say any rumour !!!

最後修改時間: 2012-01-20 03:25:34
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-20 03:22
[#17] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
> How much you have to pay for 有正反相選擇掣既DAC ?
> $15K to $???K (Discriminate the poor Guy?)

Cambridge Audio DACMagic Plus has Phase switch. The DAC is only $4.xk.

最後修改時間: 2012-01-20 11:24:08
Brother Kei
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-20 11:17
[#18] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
> If we only listen it by Discman, DAT, MD or MP3 player, how can we 以正確相位來聽??? All player use
battery or DC will only play the original CD 相位
please don't say you have to do many complicate software to change the phrase before you rip it into computer!
Waste our time, spirit and money!

Yes it takes some time, but easy and can be completely free.
1. Rip the CD as a single WAVE/FLAC file with cuesheet.
2. Install Audacity (free of charge): http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
3. Use Audacity to invert the waveform of the WAVE/FLAC file, and save it.
4. Convert the album to MP3 or other formats, or burn to CD-R.
Brother Kei
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-20 11:28
[#19] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
>> 不足為奇. 倘若compressed normalization後動態大減, 令本來細聲聽得唔清楚既地方都放大聲了, 代價就係音場徹底改變, 至於好唔好聽就睇個人對音樂既要求.

> If you say this, why LPCD Mastering Engineer can't do this??? Their sound even more unclear and terrible?
Can you do it, you just say in this simple way??? If simple as you say, you can be an Recording Engineer too!

The fact that Ken cannot do studio work himself, doesn't mean he cannot tell the bad effects of excessive compression or brick wall limiting. I can easily tell whether a CD is badly compressed by just listening with a relatively better headphone through iPhone. It indeed gives an impression of more detail to the uninformed. But your ears hurt and your head aches after listening for some time.

Loudness war is a well known phenomenon in USA and Europe. Many music lovers discuss about it and check their new CDs with software, and they complain to the musicians and labels when they find a CD is brickwalled to death. There is even a Wikipedia article about it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war

I am so surprised to find that many Hong Kong audiophiles I encountered think a brickwalled CD sounds better than a non-compressed CD!! And nobody seems to scruntinize the products of audiophile labels by checking the waveform. I am sure they'll go lightheaded after checking many of their expensive audiophile CDs!

Not to say the Danny Chan AMCD is brickwalled. I have never listened to it or ripped the CD and view with software.

最後修改時間: 2012-01-20 11:39:50
Brother Kei
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-20 11:33
[#20] AMCD wea 無編號版本現已上市!非鈔價!    
letterbox c兄:
原來你講既係DA Master Cassette. 小弟好少見人就咁叫呢樣野做DAT, 真唔好意思~

>>How much you have to pay for 有正反相選擇掣既DAC? $15K to $???K (Discriminate the poor Guy?)
多謝Brother Kei's example. 仲有二手DacMagic仲平D, review33唔使$2000都有. Letterbox兄點解會覺得係Discriminate the poor Guy呢? 唔通窮人要百幾蚊買隻普通CD黎聽?

>>please don't say you have to do many complicate software to change the phrase before you rip it into computer! Waste our time, spirit and money!
就係因為用軟件比較複雜, 所以小弟才介紹有DAC可以轉正反相. 咁有舊版既人就唔使 'waste time and money'去買多一set CD黎聽, 咁先至係唔環保又浪費金錢嘛.

小弟已經無再oppose AMCD, 因為已經明白到, 欣賞音樂係好主觀既, 只係講出自己既睇法而已. 希望唔好誤會是甚麼所謂 '流言'.

最後修改時間: 2012-01-20 13:20:00
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-01-20 13:19
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