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[#2] Review of new product, "Black Discus"    

Sorry for putting in the wrong place :-)

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-11-15 15:44
[#1] Review of new product, "Black Discus"    
Hi C-Hings,

I would like to share my experience with you on using the Black Discus which made by Mad Scientist Audio.

I knew this new product by reading a review on the Audioasylum.com :


The writer of this review mentioned free sample will be available from Bob of Mad Scientist Audio. So I visited his website http://www.madscientist-audio.com and got the free sample within ten days.

I put the two free samples on each + speaker output. The bass immediately become more solid, the vocal is clearer and the resolution is improved.

In order to test this product further, I ordered four Canopener size of Black Discus from Bob. I replaced the two free samples with the Canopener. The improvement is similar to the free sample but to a further extent.

I put the remaining two Canopener on power input (IEC plug) of the digital source and DAC of my system respectively. Further improvement was noticed : bass is full of energy, the midrange became clear and cleaner and the treble is more pleasant to hear.

I am satisfied with the Black Discus and recommend to you without any hesitation.

So if you are interested in this product please send an email to info @madscientist-audio.com with your name and postal address include your country to get the free sample.

More review on Audioasylum.com :




PS : I have no connection with madscientist-audio and do not know the owner of this company. I am just one of their customers.

Happy listening.

個人訊息 正式會員
2013-11-15 15:41
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