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[#1] 水力洗諜裝置    

德國貨 買咗930蚊
响衣悲度(or Google)搜尋 "Umbrella LP Vinyl Record Cleaner"
Umbrella 好似係牌子

我幾年前都試過DIY類似裝置,但防水效能不好,不能用高水壓沖洗,所以出来效果不好。結果還是買了這件德國貨,有防水膠邊的裝置,是 water-tight 的,我把水喉花灑調教到最大力,用大水沖,也有用高密度海綿和少許清潔液,效果好唔好主要視乎水壓啦。

在 SSP bought this 2nd hand LP "Diamond Life" by SADE. SADE 是一名才女,學歷高,人靚歌甜。The song "Smooth Operator" is my favorite.
隻諜有麈和有點發霉,但冇花。Should be a good example.
Below pictures are taken with my iPhone this morning.

最後修改時間: 2016-02-14 13:18:15
個人訊息 會員
2016-02-14 13:01
[#2] 水力洗諜裝置    
A simple construction costing nearly US$120!!!

I am sure some clever people from HK or China could make it with a fraction of its cost.

As a rule of thumb, tap water isn't recommended for rinsing records because of chemical and particles which may cost more harm to the records.

Umbrella LP Vinyl Record Cleaner reminds me of my record stabiliser which is made from a paper weight of a Taiwanese Bank!! Both are made of perspex and easily made.

個人訊息 正式會員
2016-02-14 17:07
[#3] 水力洗諜裝置    
it is made in Hong Kong, and it is depatched from Hong Kong.
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-02-14 20:23
[#4] 水力洗諜裝置    
Thanks for the information and I knew HK people would make it. Bother to tell where can you buy them in HK, thanks?

Having said that the Umbrella LP Vinyl Record Cleaner I saw on ebay clearly marked made in Germany.

個人訊息 正式會員
2016-02-14 21:25
[#5] 水力洗諜裝置    

This one made in USA good price wor.

最後修改時間: 2016-02-14 23:08:50
個人訊息 會員
2016-02-14 23:07
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