Store Directory
KEF Store
Store Information
Address:Shop 832, 8/F, Times Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong香港銅鑼灣時代廣場 8 樓 832 號鋪 : (852) 2877 1778 : (852) 2877 0772 : : Hour:11 am to 9 pm dailyStore Message:
This newly renovated, refreshing looking store is situated at the largest shopping mall in Causeway Bay with a full array of KEF and Arcam products, together with a wide range of sophisticated, high-end audiovisual equipment and accessories including amplifiers, CD/DVD players, screens and projectors, and cables, etc.
In addition, there are three designated demo-zones to showcase the top-of-the-line KEF Home Theatre Series and Instant Theatre Series. Here consumers can get a first-hand experience of the performance and quality of the products in a leisurely, home-like setting.
There is also a separate demo room to demonstrate the two channels and home theatre systems of the full KEF XQ Series to consumers who wish to sample and enjoy the products in privacy.
Last modified: 2011-04-26 17:01:01
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