Vintage Sound & Arts Forum - 聲雅集

Vintage Sound & Arts Forum - 聲雅集Vintage Sound & Arts Forum - 聲雅集Vintage Sound & Arts Forum - 聲雅集Vintage Sound & Arts Forum - 聲雅集

Store Information

Address:Unit D, 9/F, The World-Wide Building, 33 Tokwawan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong九龍土瓜灣道 33 號宏豐工業大廈 9 字樓 D 室 (恒生銀行轉角上)Tel : (852) 5931 5013facebook : vintagesoundartsBusiness Hour:11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Monday-Sunday)

Store Message:

We have got Vintage speakers, Tube Amps, Receivers, LPs, CDs, Antiques and welcome all to enjoy music besides purchasing. Over 30,000 of Jazz, Classical, Remixed, R&B and Local LPs for selection and free to listen prior purchase. All LPs have been cleaned with new inner and outer plastic cover.  Also,we provide professional repair service. 

聲雅集 - 不僅出售古董音響, 喇叭, 黑膠唱片, 真空管, 唱盤及古董擺設。
同時, 我們亦致力建立一個能供各位互相交流的平台, 藉分享拉近人與人間的距離, 亦歡迎各位留下自己的名片, 達至互惠互利的目的。 也或許, 你只想一邊喝咖啡或茶, 一邊靜靜地欣賞音樂, 遠離煩囂, 我們也能提供一個舒適的環境。 我們己於二零一二年三月十一日正式開幕, 時間每曰上午十一時至下午八時, 或 by early or late appointment, 歡迎各友好蒞臨。

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Last modified: 2016-08-18 23:08:01

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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