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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#1] Active Speaker 同好會 Hi all, Since not much topics in here about Active Speaker,Lets share our experience on our Active speaker! My Setting: Macbook Pro Lavry DA11(DAC) PS Audio P200(Preamp) Focal CMS-50 Jay |
jjmouse 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.134 |
2009-12-27 18:57 | |
[#2] Active Speaker 同好會 支持 Adam column active, Nagra PLL pre-amp. |
2200 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.250 |
2009-12-27 23:39 |
[#3] Active Speaker 同好會 Mac Mini -> Weiss DAC 2 -> Promitheus Passive pre-amp -> Adam S2A. 最後修改時間: 2009-12-28 15:33:49 |
elo 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.230 |
2009-12-28 15:32 |
[#4] Active Speaker 同好會 支持 |
Go4fun. 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.159 |
2009-12-28 16:29 |
[#5] Active Speaker 同好會 Macbook white Berkeley Audio Design alpha DAC K&H O300 Happy listening |
fan 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.239 |
2009-12-28 17:43 |
[#6] Active Speaker 同好會 NAD S500 CD >> Passive Pre >> Dynaudio MC15 |
herman 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.133 |
2009-12-28 17:51 |
[#7] Active Speaker 同好會 Mine is: iMac + TagMclaren DPA32R (Preamp+Dac) + Dynaudio MC15 |
mc225 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.21 |
2009-12-28 19:57 |
[#8] Active Speaker 同好會 Mac Mini>Weiss Minerva>Promitheus Passive pre-amp>Dyna. Acoustics BM5A |
f-u-n-g 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.134 |
2009-12-28 20:11 |
[#9] Active Speaker 同好會 Meridian Reference 800 > Audio Note M6 Pre-Amp > Studer A723 Active Speakers - simple and effective. |
geo024-1 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.248 |
2009-12-29 09:32 |
[#10] Active Speaker 同好會 Mine is Revox Agora B, now matching in my AV system as front speaker. It is really great and easy to handle. No regret for such active speaker. (it is the reason I can't let any extra Large fellow speaker settle in my small living room) Cheers |
唐吉訶德 正式會員 59.xxx.xxx.69 |
2009-12-29 10:25 |
[#11] Active Speaker 同好會 My humble German active speakers in dual-play format. |
com-buddy 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.211 |
2009-12-29 14:39 |
[#12] Active Speaker 同好會 New version of DA11! |
jjmouse 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.134 |
2010-01-01 21:36 |
[#13] Active Speaker 同好會 A good place to share photos of the active speakers set up :-) |
CLaussp 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.47 |
2010-01-03 07:57 |
[#14] Active Speaker 同好會 Now I know mine is only an 'a'ctive speaker system, while there are a lot of giant 'A'ctive speaker system out there. |
mc225 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.21 |
2010-01-03 11:39 |
[#15] Active Speaker 同好會 My Adam S2A. |
elo 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.199 |
2010-01-03 16:43 |
[#16] Active Speaker 同好會 Hi elo hing Are u using Neotech 3001 NEP ? Jay |
jjmouse 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.134 |
2010-01-03 22:40 |
[#17] Active Speaker 同好會 Yes, it is Neotech NEP-3001 (DIY by myself). |
elo 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.199 |
2010-01-03 23:52 |
[#18] Active Speaker 同好會 Your speaker and surrounding looks really cool. Im using 3001 on NEP and NEI,still in burn in progress. Jay |
jjmouse 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.134 |
2010-01-05 21:06 |
[#19] Active Speaker 同好會 剛剛賣走左對Adam A7 正物色緊一對二手active speaker c hing有咩介紹啊? |
my981220 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.155 |
2010-03-12 21:44 |
[#20] Active Speaker 同好會 http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?spkrmoni&1271952656&/PMC-AML-1-Active-Monitor-Louds |
manlo 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.148 |
2010-03-13 08:26 |