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[#1] 黑膠銷量 超越CD    
Vinyl record sales surpass CDs for the first time since the 1980s

By Jazmin Goodwin, CNN Business
Updated 2208 GMT (0608 HKT) September 13, 2020

New York (CNN Business)The days of vinyl records being a nostalgic relic of the past are long gone.

This year, vinyl sales have outpaced CD sales in the United States for the first time since the 1980s.

Vinyl records accounted for $232.1 million of music sales in the first half of the year, compared to CDs, which brought in only $129.9 million, according to a report from the Recording Industry Association of America.

Vinyl records, also known as "records pressed on wax," were commonplace before other formats, such as cassette tapes and CDs, become the preferred mode of listening to music.

But that hasn't stopped vinyl records from making a resurgence.

Since 2005, sales for vinyl have grown consecutively. In the first half of 2020, vinyl revenue was up 4%, while CD revenue was down 48%, according to the RIAA.


最後修改時間: 2020-09-14 23:10:18
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-14 23:07
[#2] 黑膠銷量 超越CD    
Yes, read that news few days ago in Flipboard. Eventually vinyl, Cd and even cassette tapes are all in the niche market. There were few sales of cassette tapes in local audiophile market which grabbed quite high price.
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-15 10:54
[#3] 黑膠銷量 超越CD    
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-15 12:23
[#4] 黑膠銷量 超越CD    
漸漸養成習慣,喜歡嘅碟,會買CD 同黑膠。
個人訊息 會員
2020-09-15 13:11
[#5] 黑膠銷量 超越CD    
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-15 14:23
[#6] 黑膠銷量 超越CD    
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-15 15:02
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