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[#8] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    

Thanks for your detailed reply. Now you might consider the TTRS rather than Boxster/Cayman when you upgrade your car in future, right?

Please check PM.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-31 18:19
[#7] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    
I did not have a lot of start-stop during my test ride. I just cannot recall any turbo lag. The TTRS is so much more powerful that can put a lot of smile in your face. The suspension is definitely firm but not bumpy. I drove on good quality highways so haven't put the suspension to test.

My TTS is also a great daily car. I did not do anything (yet) on it - simply no time. To improve the turbo lag, engage first gear first at the stop light. You can also try to use "Sport" mode which also improves turbo lag.

After comparing the TTRS and TTS, the latter is a very gentle car :-) and slightly more comfortable.

I too am thinking about upgrade to the 7-speed DSG TTRS, or the "sheep version" - the RS3.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-30 23:48
[#6] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    
Hi fkclo,

I got my TTS and have been using it for two months. For me, it is a very very good car in terms of performance and appearance. It is always a joy to drive. For me, the only drawback is the turbo-lag, about 1/2 second delay, when starting from standstill.

Have you done any modification to improve the performance of your TTS? Please share your experience.

I am very interested in the TTRS (DSG version). Very likely it would be my next car. Comparing with TTS, Would you please comment on the turbo-lag when starting from standstill (without using launch control) and the ride comfort of the two cars?

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-30 12:39
[#5] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    
Is this engine same as Golf's one?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-30 07:34
[#4] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    
I drove the TTRS overseas for some distance recently, and have to admit this 2.5 litre 5-cylinder turbo charged engine is really impressive and have huge potential. It sounds great. With the small light weight TT construction, the engine can provide acceleration on the TTRS beyond my expectation. This makes the TTRS a totally different car from the TTS.

I am sure this engine is going to be better in coming year, as we have seen Audi is putting it on the Quattro Concept, and A3 Sedan Concept, with 400+ hp.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-29 12:06
[#3] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    
inline 5 cylinder is not in that case
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-27 10:04
[#2] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    
5 cylinder?
will there be a lot of vibrations from the Engine because the number of cylinder moving up and down are not even.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-05-27 09:25
[#1] Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」    


Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」

Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎榮獲「2011年度國際引擎大賞」

被視為汽車引擎界盛事的「年度國際引擎大賞」(International Engine of the Year),已成為車壇觀察各式汽車引擎的重要指標之一。是次評審團匯集來自 36 個國家的 76 位評審員,對眾車廠各級引擎的見解後,評選出各引擎組別的獎項。而 Audi 2.5 公升 TFSI 引擎已是連續第二年榮獲 2 至 2.5 升引擎類別的最佳引擎獎項。

Audi 車系中,RS 3 Sportback, TT RS Coupé 及 TT RS Roadster 均配搭此 2.5 公升引擎,並備有渦輪增壓及 FSI 缸內燃油直噴技術——這兩項 Audi 核心技術。容積只有 2480cc 的引擎,可產生最高 340 匹馬力,峰值扭力為 450Nm。

「年度國際引擎大賞」評審團成員表示,Audi 2.5 公升引擎確是近年來 2-2.5 公升引擎級別的最佳渦輪增壓引擎,不論扭力、動力、及引擎聲,皆表現出色,盡顯當年 quattro 拉力賽車引擎的精髓。由 quattro GmbH 研發的 Audi TT RS Coupé,其 0-100km/h 加速只需 4.3 秒﹔而 Audi TT RS Roadster 的 0-100km/h 加速只需 4.4 秒。這兩款車鎖定的最高時速為每小時 280 公里。最近 Audi 將這款引擎配置到 RS 3 Sportback,令其 0-100km/h 加速只需 4.6 秒,鎖定最高時速為每小時 250 公里,是該級別中最高性能表現的指標。

Audi 將繼續以品牌「突破科技、啟迪未來」的理念,在造車技術上作更多創新的突破,令顧客可體驗到更高質量、更最高性能表現的車系。

服務時間:星期一至六 上午9時至下午9時
星期日及公眾假期 上午10時至下午8時
電話:2380 2233

服務時間:星期一至六 上午9時至下午8時
星期日及公眾假期 上午10時至下午8時
電話:2528 1862

個人訊息 管理團隊
2011-05-27 03:42
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