Home > 用家意見 > GSM 手提電話 > Siemens SL55
Siemens SL55
公司網頁 Siemens (HK)
售價: HK$3288 
意見總數 13 
平均得分 3.15 
產品簡介 4,096 色螢幕n
可下載JAVA遊戲及程式 n


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#3: 由 man 於 2003-07-03 14:18:51 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$3200 
用家意見 1. incoming calls: phone doesn't stop ringing, happened 5 times within 2 weeks

2. turn on the phone, press CONFIRM, turn itself off, happens 3 times within 2 weeks

above problems experienced by myself and my wife

so we email Siemens in Germany

they redirect it back to HK, within 2 days, we got a reply, first they blamed the NETWORK we are using (1010)
then after we replied again, they finally told us to go to their one and only Customer Service Centre in HK Island to UPGRADE the firmware
we went on Sunday 11am morning, got the phones back 2pm, service is ok, they need Andy Lau to tell them, nowadays this kind of service attitude is no good anymore....

ever since the upgrade the phone is ok
until last night, when i turned on the phone, i press CONFIRM, then it turned itself OFF again

i am thinking of trading it in eventhough is so new

for those friends who complain that this SL55 is out of stock all over HK, you are LUCKY, i hope they are fixing them in their factory before release

LESSON: never buy phones when they are too new, and no matter how cool they look, this SL55 is FULL of problems, but once it is fixed is so good to use, very handy BUT first you need to FIX it

TIPS: when you go to buy SL55, press *#06#
for information, you check and make sure is SW version 9, if not version 9, DON"T buy it
it was version 6 before i upgrade at their centre


but afterall is a easy to use and great quality phone, AS LONG AS the firmware is upgrade to 9

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