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[#2] Simple Gifts --- Chemyne Micallef    


Simple Gifts --- Chemayne Micallef
個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-02 00:54
[#1] Simple Gifts --- Chemyne Micallef    

近年來, 都市人的生活壓力越來越大, 減壓的方法除了去做健身運動外, 最熱門的另一個選擇就是去浸Spa啦!! 連帶一系列浸Spa的音樂也被不斷引進, 類型有Relaxation, Healing, Lifestyle等等; 這些音樂近年來很受歡迎, 就算不多去浸Spa的朋友, 都會喜愛聽這些輕柔舒懷的美妙音樂!! 今趟介紹的唱片, 是屬於Lifestyle類型的音樂, 由創作人兼鋼琴手Chemayne Micallef彈奏的鋼琴純音樂!!


"Pianist Chemayne Micallef delivers elegant performances of compostions that inspire, comfort and remind us that the most valuable sentiments are oftenfound in the simplest of gifts."

碟中十四首音樂給人一種清新動人的味道, 有聽眾很熟悉的歌曲, 例如有流行曲"Nothin's Gonna Change My Love For You", "The Prayer", "Imagine", "The Greatest Love of All"; 另外有三首新作品是由Chemyne Micallef親自創作, 分別是"Romance", "Flower Girl"和"Journey"!!

這張唱片在加拿大錄音和製作, 錄音水準不錯, 清晰自然, 是大家值得一聽的唱片, 誠意推薦!!



CD Tracklist:

1. Simple Gifts
2. The Prayer
3. Romance
4. The Homecoming
5. Nothin's Gonna Change My Love For You
6. Flower Girl
7. You Needed Me
8. That's What Friends Are For
9. One Moment in Time
10. The Glory of Love
11. Journey
12. Imagine
13. The Greatest Love of All
14. Simple Gifts (reprise)

Artist: Chemayne Micallef
Records Name: Simple Gifts
Label: Avalon Music
Type: Lifestyle
Category No: 26253
Released In: 2003

謝謝大家的觀賞, 再見!!


個人訊息 正式會員
2004-12-02 00:49
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